
as is shown in the picture, four youngsters are sitting at a table, ready to have dinner. unfortunately, instead of drinking and eating from a variety of delicious and nutritious dishes, each of them is holding a mobile phone and staring at the screen, with no thought to chat or eat at all. the caption informs us that the picture shows a typical gathering in an era of mobile phones.
like the internet, mobile phones have brought a lot of convenience to our lives. with mobile phones, the home can be a library, a school, an office, and an entertainment center. all transactions, from banking to shopping, can be performed electronically, and all information, from train schedules to off-price merchandise, is as closely as the press of a key. however, despite the increase in efficiency and convenience generated by products in digital, the change they bring will very well lead to potentially adverse consequences. for instance, as nearly all activities can be conducted by mobile phones, we all might become hermit-like, never feeling any need to leave screens. this would be unfortunate because by becoming so addicted to the virtual world, we might never be exposed to social in
from the preceding discussion, it is readily apparent that the mobile phone, as an increasingly popular tool of communication, has both its upsides and downsides. admittedly, the mobile phones can be used in many productive and useful ways. however, people who lack self-control, such as adolescents, should limit the time they spend on digital products, or their academic work and social lives will eventually pay the price.

as is shown in the picture, four youngsters are sitting…

as is shown in the picture, four youngsters are sitting…


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